Top Ten Tuesday: "Older" Books People Shouldn't Forget

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

This week's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, asks which ten "older" books we hope people won't forget. It is definitely true that I at least tend to get caught up in the excitement of new releases and review copies, when there are many older gems waiting to be discovered. For my post, I am excluding classics, as I don't think many people will forget about them, and I am only including books published before 2010.

1. Born Confused by Tanujah Desai Hidier -- I loved this book -- it is the only book I have turned right around and reread after finishing it. It's a great example of solid YA that is probably being obscured in the masses of new books coming out now, and it shouldn't be forgotten!

2. Kartography by Kamila Shamsie -- I'm a total evangelist for this book. Not many people have read it, but I guarantee the writing and the beautiful, odd story will make this one a keeper for many.

3. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier -- This book is possibly my favorite book that I have read this year. The story is absolutely gorgeous.

4. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield -- This was a well-written and spooky read -- perfect for a little fall reading with a cup of hot cider.

5. The Mitford books by Jan Karon -- These are very simple, very cozy books that are absolute gems. I read them for the first time in sixth grade, and am now very slowly rereading the series.

6. The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver -- I feel like everyone knows about The Poisonwood Bible (which is fantastic as well), but The Bean Trees doesn't get nearly as much love, and it is one of the best books I've discovered since beginning this blog.

7. His Dark Materials trilogy by Phillip Pullman -- Another set of books I read when I was much younger, these books have been favorites for years.

8. The Alanna books by Tamora Pierce -- Long before Katniss or Katsa, there was Alanna, who disguised herself as a boy for years to become a knight and basically invented the tough heroine.

9. The Disappearing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O'Farrell -- This literary fiction book was absolutely fantastic, and I wish that more people were reading it in the blogosphere because I think it brings up some really interesting topics for discussion.

10. So Brave Young and Handsome by Leif Enger -- Enger's other novel, Peace Like A River, is much better known, but I fell in love with his sophomore work. I feel like not many have read it, and I wish more would!

What are some older books you wish you saw more people reading?


  1. Replies
    1. I love them -- not many people read them anymore, though.

  2. Definitley agree with your #8 - The Song of the Lioness quartet books should not be forgotten!!!
    Great list!!!

    1. I am grateful that they have been around for so long and still get read by some people -- but I hope they stick around much longer. Those were my favorite books growing up!

  3. i'm not familiar with any of these titles but i do have #10 on my tbr. i loved his other book. -nicely done today. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

    1. Thanks. :) I hope you enjoy So Brave Young and Handsome when you get to it -- it is wonderful.

  4. I have The Thirteenth Tale and Esme Lennox on my TBR shelves, so I'm happy to hear they're worth the wait! Every year The Thirteenth Tale goes on my mental 'fall reading' list, and every year it somehow gets passed over again. I try to console myself by thinking that I'll get to it at just the right moment, when the stars align and everything falls into place and I'll enjoy it that little bit more as a result! :)

    1. Once it does make itself onto your nightstand you will be glad it did. The Thirteenth Tale is so perfect to read in fall!

  5. I love PEACE LIKE A RIVER (and put it on my list this week), but I have never made it to SO BRAVE YOUNG AND HANDSOME. I need to, apparently!

    1. I really loved it. It is different from Peace Like a River but in my mind anything Leif Enger writes is worth several rereads and lots of love.

  6. I actually haven't read very many of these. I need to get reading!

    1. It seems like I've picked a lot of books that a lot of people have forgotten so hopefully this post gets some of them read. :)

  7. I have seen The Thirteenth Tale on a number of lists. I recently bought it and I am excited to read it. I also agree with His Dark Materials. They were such great books.

    Thanks for sharing!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. The Thirteenth Tale really is amazing -- I hope you read it soon!

  8. I feel like such a non-reader seeing people's lists today. :) I haven't read any of those, and actually haven't heard of a few. I definitely want to look into Born Confused.

    1. I think it is fun how different everyone's lists are -- I love (and sometimes also hate, because I'll never get to them all) how many books there are out there!

  9. So excited to see The Thirteenth Tale on your list too!! I am going to have to check out His Dark Materials trilogy, I have never read those!

    1. They are amazing. I think I've read the whole series at least five times. Hope you enjoy them!

  10. Couldn't agree more about The Thirteenth Tale. I really need to read the Alanna books.

    1. YES YOU DO!! I know that you tend to have the opposite reactions to books with a lot of hype but I can maybe see you liking the Alanna books. At any rate I would be interested to know what you think about them!

  11. You're like the 3rd person in a row where I don't know any of the books on your list. But I like getting new recommendations.

    Check out my TTT.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Hopefully that doesn't mean these older books have already been forgotten! I hope you found something that interested you. :)

  12. Tamora Pierce! *cheers*

    My TTT:

    1. It seems that there is a lot of love all around for Tamora Pierce, which makes me happy. :)


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