Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer TBR

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Before I say anything else I must apologize for the lack of punctuation in this post. My comma and period keys are broken right now (a horrible problem for a blogger writer or student) and while I am copy and pasting periods at the end of sentences I am too lazy to go back and forth with a comma. So please forgive the dearth of commas all you delightful grammar nazis -- I am truly not doing this to torment you.

This Summer TBR list might be a little sad because I haven't had the time to read all the books I hoped for on my Spring TBR. However I suppose the TBR is all about good intentions anyway so I will say what I hope for and not care if it isn't quite accomplished. :) 

1. A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth -- So let's start this off as ambitiously as possible... I have been wanting to read A Suitable Boy for a couple of years now and the fact that I will be library-less in August bodes well for this chunkster.
2. Winter Town by Stephen Emond -- I have this out from the library. I have been waiting for it for months so I am thrilled to finally have my hands on it. And despite the slightly inappropriate season I am looking forward to a book about winter -- my 87 degree apartment could use some nice chilly imagery.
3. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee -- I've read this before but lately I've felt that it is time to revisit it. I actually remember very little of the book but for some reason it reminds me of summer (not sure if that is because it takes place in the summer or for some other subconscious reason)
4. Death Comes to Pemberley by P.D. James -- I've actually heard this one isn't the best but I am still interested in its premise. And the fact that I already have it out from the library bodes well for my actual reading of it.
5. Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo -- I loved meeting this woman briefly at the Fierce Reads tour. I plan to read all the books featured on the tour but I will say this one holds the most draw for me right now. Also it is the book that I am furthest up on the list at the library for so I think I will actually get to read it before I move.
6. North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell -- Looking forward to this one due to the Victorian Celebration of June and July. I've heard from many that this book is romantic and thought-provoking and I can't wait to dive in.
7. Assorted Sherlock Holmes books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- Before my husband left we began delving into the BBC Sherlock series. While I've read a few Sherlock books I haven't read many that were featured in modern recreations on the show so I am hungry to read several and make comparisons.
8. East of Eden by John Steinbeck -- This is another reread for me. I still don't know if I am having a boy or girl (a couple of weeks hooray!) but the boy name we like is inspired by this book so I am craving a reread.
9. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier -- I've actually already started this one -- and have loved it so far -- but took a break because I have so many library books out and I own this one. I can't wait to finish it.
10. A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway -- I am hoping to get around to this one for Paris in July. I'm in the throes of my Paris-missing season (Every year in May and June I miss it because that is when I was there) so a little revisit with Hemingway and the rest of his crowd would be delightful. Perhaps I shall follow it up with a viewing of Midnight in Paris.

Any books you are looking forward to in particular this summer? 


  1. Daughter of the Forest (and the subsequent two sequels) are some of my favorite books.. they might not be "serious" books, for those who are snobbish about their reading habits, but I still love to revisit them. The entire series is on my TBR list! Good luck with the rest of yours... isn't it fun to make a summer reading list?

    1. It definitely is fun. While I am super busy for June and July August is looking much more promising for getting through Mount TBR. :)

  2. What a great list. I read A Suitable Boy several years ago and it did, indeed, take the whole summer. East of Eden is an all-time favorite, and I just started North and South last week. It's going to be a combination read/listen. Happy reading!

    1. I hope North and South is going well! I am really looking forward to it.

  3. I've been feeling the same way about To Kill A Mocking Bird. I don't think I've read it since middle school. I really need to read it again.

    Also, Cal?

  4. I want to re-read TKAM too. I was discussing it with a friend the other day and we kept getting stuff mixed up between the movie and the book.

    1. All I remember about the movie is the collection of objects at the beginning and how they all meant something. My 9th grade English teacher made us analyze that opening bit in slow motion for a class period. The rest of the movie was good though :)

  5. I really love the variety of your list, like I would read ALL of these books. Granted I've read 5 of the books, but the other 5 I really want to check out.

    Sigh, and I want to read To Kill A Mockingbird again, it's one that for me, just begs to be read over and over.

    My Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Thanks! I liked TKAM but honestly didn't connect with it the way everyone else seemed to when we read it in high school so I am looking forward to reading it as an adult and being able to appreciate it beyond its being a school book.

  6. I've been trying to work some classics into my TBR list, and North and South by Gaskell is on that list. I hadn't read To Kill a Mockingbird up until about a month ago (awful, I know), and I'm so glad I finally got around to it. You have a really great list here with a good mix of books. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks! I hear such great things about both the book and movie of North and South so I am dying to finally get to it.

  7. How awful about the non-working comma and period. Good for you for still posting. I would have given up.

    I'm planning on reading North and South this summer too. I have it on my shelf and have for about a year. I would love to read To Kill a Mockingbird again also. It's been 10 years since I read it, and I too read it in the summer.

    1. I must say that I did give up after this post -- it still isn't working! Fortunately I am going to teh Apple Store soon to get it fixed. :)

  8. I’m dying to read Shadow and Bone too! I’ve also been meaning to read the Sherlock Holmes books too. I’ve got it on my Kindle but just haven’t picked it up yet. And I tend to read classics in the fall but To Kill a Mockingbird is definitely suitable for summer. I really liked it so I hope you enjoy it too! I'm planning to read A Moveable Feast in September for a novella challenge so I look forward to a review before I start it. :)

    1. Hopefully I can get the review out there! It seems this summer that everything is taking longer than I've planned but I do hope to get to most of these books. :)

  9. Great list. I Like the Sherlock books. Mockingbird is a great book and always good for a reread.

    1. Thank you! I think I'll get much more out of Mockingbird this time around.

  10. Ooh! You've got so many on your list that I've either recently read or am planning to read! To Kill A Mockingbird is an old favorite, and so warm and good. I've just read some Sherlock Holmes for the first time and enjoyed it. I'm in the middle of A Suitable Boy right now and loving it--it's actually addictive, I find. And North and South is on my TBR list, too. We seem to have similar (excellent!) taste, lol.

    1. It's good that A Suitable Boy is addictive because it is going to take some addiction to get through it! And here's to excellent taste :)

  11. Haha, A Suitable Boy is my summer read, too! I haven't read it in over a week, though ;-) Hopefully will get back to it today!

    I recently finished Death Comes to Pemberley. She did well with the mannerisms and rules, but the mystery and the P&P sequel aspects were pretty weak, I thought.

    1. I'm reading Death Comes to Pemberley and agreeing with you. I am liking it lukewarmly but it isn't stellar.

  12. Shadow and Bone is one I want to read as well. Hope you get to all these books plus enjoy them all :-)

    Tanya Patrice

    1. Thanks! I've heard great things about Shadow and Bone in particular so hopefully we will both enjoy it.

  13. Oh, I hope you enjoy North and South. Such a good book! And then you must watch the movie...if you haven't already.

    1. I started the movie and while I usually don't care about reading a book first I suddenly felt like I couldn't watch it without reading the book and turned it off. So hopefully I will get to them both soon. The movie is on Netflix right now so hooray for that.

  14. A Suitable Boy is behind me, thank goodness ( but I'm thinking the summer might be the time to try to tackle this year's second chunkster: London by Edward Rutherford.

    Enjoy your reading!

    1. Good luck with your chunkster! It is good to know there are those who have been successful with A Suitable Boy.

  15. I love Daughter of the Forest! It's not my favorite of that series, but I still love it A LOT.

    1. I'm so excited to finish it. I bought my mom the other two books in the trilogy so I will be able to read those soon too :)


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