Top Ten Books I Would Save If the House Was on Fire

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I love Broke and Bookish's choice for this week's Top Ten Tuesday, because when I was a kid, I used to freak out about this. What would be the best thing to save from a burning house? Which books were most important to me? And while I don't honestly think I would be able to carefully hand-select the ten books, instead sweeping up an armful, there are definitely some that would be superior to others. Sentimental value seems to win the day for me.

1. Scriptures. It may be cliche, but my scriptures have really personal notes and insights written in the margins, and I would hate to lose them.

2. Journals. Okay, another cliche. I would rather have my journals than another book in a fire, because I would assume that other books can be purchased, but my own thoughts can't be. I lost one of my journals in high school to water damage and I was devastated.

3. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. My husband gave this to me for my 22nd birthday. I'd read it before in high school, but really wanted the Julie Rose translation, and he surprised me with it.

4. and 5.  A Spoonful of Olives and It Sure Ain't Like it Used to Be by Lynn L. Johns These books are by my grandpa, and they have personal inscriptions, so I would hate to lose those.

6. Kartography by Kamila Shamsie. This is my favorite book, and I've read it at least five or six times. I've highlighted it and dog-eared pages and loved it (yes, I'm one of those) and I could read it again and again and still enjoy it.

7. My six-book boxed set of C.S. Lewis philosophical works. I have a shelf of C.S. Lewis books, and I love him. I could read him over and over again. Because six of the books are in one box, I think I can count it as one and grab it on my way out.

8. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I think this is another book that I could read over and over again, plus it is signed by Mr. Zusak himself. And because it is right next to I am the Messenger on the shelf, I would totally just grab that one too. Not cheating, right?

9. So Brave, Young, and Handsome by Leif Enger. This is a similar story -- it is a signed copy and I actually had the opportunity to meet the author, and absolutely loved the experience.

10. My Kindle. Access to hundreds more books right there. Cheating? Yes, maybe. But realistically, it probably is the first thing I would grab.

What would you save?


  1. Meeting Leif Enger was one of my favorite things I've ever done! Wasn't that so great? Good choice to grab it. I would have to take my Anne of Green Gables set, Peace Like a River, scriptures, journals, Grapes of Wrath, and the Glass Castle.

    1. It was so awesome!

      I totally forgot about Anne of Green Gables. My set isn't currently in my house, it is at my parents' place, so I guess it is an honorary grab. :)

      I am starting The Glass Castle soon. I'm very excited.

  2. I'd save my scriptures as well. Luckily, they're by my bed so they'd be easy to grab. :) I'd also try to save my Harry Potter books and as many of my signed books as possible since they're not easily replaced. And, my Kindle is a must.

    1. Harry Potters are definitely good to save! If I had copies of the series I would totally save those as well!

  3. Saving your kindle is totally cheating! :P

    I've been interested in reading a Kamila Shamsie book for a while, so I'm interested to see that Kartography is your favourite novel. I have Burnt Shadows on my kindle, have you read that one?

    1. Haha, but I really would save it!

      I enjoyed Burnt Shadows, not as much as some of Kamila Shamsie's earlier work, but it was still interesting and as always gorgeously written.

  4. I love that you picked your Kindle! It's not cheating because it's so true. If I had one I'd grab it, too. :) I didn't do this week's post, but if I had I'd pick my journals & scriptures, too. And then a bunch of my official papers/financial stuff. Basically anything I couldn't replace.

    1. Yeah, we have a folder of "documenti importante" or something like that (my husband likes to label everything in Italian because he is special like that, haha) that we would definitely have to grab as well! And if we're being honest, I would grab all of my scrapbooks, too.

  5. I also saved my Bible and diaries. I forgot to save my Kindle and my copy of The Screwtape Letters, but I would want to have saved them. Great list!

    My Top Ten

    1. Thanks! I am stopping by to check out yours.

  6. how lucky you are to have that signed copy from Lief Enger! And I would grab my kindle too. So easy when you are in a hurry :) kaye—the road goes ever ever on

    1. I really love it! He is a great author and wonderful to talk to!

  7. I love your list, and the Kindle is a great, realistic answer. I don't feel like many of my books are irreplaceable, but I am definitely attached to a few of them.

    1. I am mostly attached to mine when they are signed or when I have made notes in them.

  8. I think everyone who owns a Kindle added that to their list. If I had thought electronics counted, I would have added my noteBOOK computer, lol. :)

    I also didn't think of my journals, which I would definitely try and save, though that might be kind of difficult since they're in a very heavy box on the top shelf of my closet which I can't actually reach without a stepladder...

    1. Haha, in my case many of my books would not "logistics"-wise be accessible either! Our apartment is small so the books are just shoved wherever they fit, and some are hidden in storage closets, etc.

  9. This top ten would have been too hard for me to pick! I would probably have gone for irreplacable stuff - and my kindle too :)


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