New Year's Goals

Sunday, January 01, 2012

The time of year affords a little introspection about what I would like to do with my blog this year. While for the most part I am actually really happy with the way things have been going this year, I do have a few things I would like to improve upon (there are many things I have room to improve upon, but only a few that are feasible with my schedule right now).

1. Comment on ten different posts whenever I go to my google reader. I'm kind of a blog lurker -- I usually read 25-40 blog posts a day, but rarely ever comment. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the outside of the blogging community a bit, and I think it is up to me to feel more involved. I did this today and it was great -- I'm looking forward to commenting more!

2. Respond to my own comments in a more timely manner. I changed my blog so that I had to moderate all comments, not because I've gotten anything inappropriate but because I wanted to try and force myself to respond. I do now respond to every comment, but I get behind. I'd like to comment every few days.

3. This is more like a rule than a goal -- I am not going to let my TBR list on Goodreads exceed 500 books. This doesn't mean I am limiting the books I want to read in the future -- the idea (we'll see how it works) is to read books on the TBR so that books are being taken off frequently as well as being added on. I'm at 278 right now, so I have plenty of room, but I usually add one every day or so, so I might have to invoke the limit at some point.

4. I want to continue my rule of reading one review book, one adult book, and one YA book to keep my reading balance.

5. I'm going to participate in the Goodreads challenge again -- this year I am increasing my goal from 88 books to 111 books. :)

Do you have any reading or blogging goals for the new year?


  1. Don't feel too bad. I'm a lurker too. :) Sometimes I appreciate what people have read but have nothing to say. And then, I don't want to be lame and just write: nice post! Sometimes I wish it was like elementary school again, when playing together took no thought.

  2. These sound like good goals for 2012. My TBR list of books I actually own but have not read has just gone past 600, I really need to work on that this year!

  3. Awesome and attainable goals! My main goal is to read more books from countries other than the one I reside in (US).

  4. I should work on the same things. :) I will try to comment more and not add to any books to my TBR. Good luck with your goals and Happy New Year!

  5. I'm also horrible at responding to comments in a timely manner. I have absolutely no excuses for it because I'm not in school anymore and have way more freetime than I used to! Good luck with all of your resolutions :)

  6. These all sound like wonderful goals.

    I really like what you wrote about commenting and responding. I really do love blogging but I think that I frequently forget the importance of participating in the community. It is amazing how many fantastic book blogs are out there and the more you interact, the better!

  7. @christina -- I know, right? I wish sometimes that we could all just say, Hey, I like you, let's be best friends! Sometimes it is hard to think of something witty to say.

    @Sam -- Holy cow! That is amazing and also intimidating. I would love to have that many books but at the same time would definitely feel impelled to read all of them.

    @Tanya Patrice -- That is a great goal! I should do more of that myself.

    @Pepca -- I think I will definitely be adding more books to my TBR this year, but I am hoping I manage to read enough off of it that it stays at a reasonable level.

    @Kelly -- I am so bad at it, too. I have 41 to respond to today and it isn't because tons of people comment on my posts... it's because I haven't responded in a long time.

    @Jennifer -- Sometimes I get down on myself becuase my blog isn't growing as quickly as I'd like, and then I have to remind myself that it is up to me to make it grow by participating.

  8. I really need to use your TBR rule. My shelf is out of control and it bugs me. I like your other goals too! I hope you meet them. Happy new year!

  9. Great list! I hadn't really thought about making blog and reading goals for the year, but actually I think it would be a good idea to have something to go back to and think 'Oh yes, I wanted to do that this year...'

    Some of mine might include:

    1. Making an effort to bring back regular bookshop mini-posts with funny customer quotes, requests and horror stories. Also, writing more editorial bookish pieces for the blog, like I did over the summer.

    2. Getting on top of my review reading by using a planner to note publication dates and tour deadlines.

    3. Holding more giveaways - I tend to forget, a bit - and maybe joining my first giveaway hop.

    4. Not always reaching for an easy read. I've got some wonderful classics, non-fiction and literary fiction on my shelves and love most of the ones I read, but often I'll get lazy and just pick something quicker.

    5. Balancing new and backlist reads. I tend to buy books that sound amazing, then feel guilty and go back to my TBR shelves, leaving the new books to settle in and fester for five years before I actually read them.

    I'm sure there'll be more yet - but thanks for getting me thinking!

  10. First, Happy New Year!!!

    Those are great goals. I'm trying to comment more as well - I'm a bit of a blog lurker too, so I'm trying to make myself comment and participate more!

    I hope 2012 is a wonderful year for you!

  11. I tend to lurk at times and then go in spurts of commenting and following up. I also need to get consistent about it, though! Good for you to give yourself a number as a goal to comment on, etc.!

    I'm trying to be good about the challenges that I sign up for this year, but I've got The Stephen King Project to host, so that should be more than enough to consume my time!

  12. @Aths -- Thanks! Good luck with your goals as well!

    @Ellie -- Oh yes, please do bring back your bookstore posts! I remember some from earlier last year and I loved them. And I will tell you that planning out posts has been a lifesaver for me! Good luck with your goals, looks like you have great ones!

    @Sarah -- Thank you so much! To you as well. :)

    @Natalie -- I am already being led astray from my challenge goals by all the bright shiny new releases and library books. Good luck hosting your challenge! I'm sure it will be a success.


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