A Transcendental Poetry Corner: "Beginning My Studies" by Walt Whitman

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Beginning my studies the first step pleas'd me so much,
The mere fact consciousness, these forms, the power of motion,
The least insect or animal, the senses, eyesight, love,
The first step I say awed me and pleas'd me so much
I have hardly gone and have hardly wish'd to go further
But stop and loiter all the time to sing it in ecstatic songs.

I knew Walt Whitman was a kindred spirit the moment I read this little poem. I love learning and sometimes get so excited about the things I'm learning that I stop and just geek out about them. 


  1. That's a really beautiful poem. And like you I can relate to getting overly excited and then turning to the person next to me, often my husband, and him not reacting the same way. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it (and that I'm no the only one who gets really excited about learning new things :)


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