BBAW: Community

Monday, September 12, 2011

Guys, I wasn't going to participate in BBAW for a couple of reasons. First of all, I have a lot of readers that aren't bloggers, and I didn't think they would want to read as much "blog-talk." Secondly, I post a week in advance, and I had already gotten my posts ready for this week. But, after going through my google reader this morning, I felt so warm and fuzzy about the lovely community posts I read, and I feel like it would be selfish for me not to highlight a few bloggers that brighten up my morning blog perusal.

Asheley from Into the Hall of Books - I love her taste in books. I love her thoughtful book reviews. I love seeing her thoughtful comments.

Sarah from Sarah Says Read - Sarah and I read a lot of the same things, but often we have different reactions. It is always great for me to read her reviews and think through my own reaction to a book, seeing different ways of experiencing it. Also, her blog is sassy and great fun to read!

Kathy from Read This Instead is one of my first "real life" blogging friends! I have really loved reading her blog for its great book selection and creative review template. It was a pleasure to meet her in person at the Utah Book Blogger's Social. :)

Ashley from Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing - This girl has more enthusiasm than anyone else I know! She has excellent recommendations and very thoughtful, in-depth reviews. I also consider her my personal guru for great contemporary YA reads.

Jillian from A Room of One's Own - Jillian has so much passion for reading and writing, and it is inspiring to read through her carefully thought out posts.

There are so many more of your blogs that I love, and I wish I had time to list all of them and the reasons they make my morning. Thank you to the book blogging community as a whole for suggesting fabulous books to read, giving me an outlet for all my book thoughts, and welcoming me with open arms.


  1. I felt the same way about it - but everyone is doing this and for once in my life I started to get this "i'll be part of the community" vibe. I have a feeling I'm going to pick up a ridiculous number of additions to my google reader this week - the only blog on your list I read is Jillian's, but I'm going to head over and look at the rest. It's fun to see how much genuine affection book bloggers have for each other - what an awesome community.

    -- Ellen

  2. Awww thank you for mentioning me! *hugs* I love our little blogging community :-)

  3. Wow, such thoughtful words. I really, really love your book choices too and always admire how well-thought and eloquent your reviews sound. This is absolutely one of my favorites.

    I'm glad you posted about these others because there are a couple here I'm not familiar with...when I have a little more time a little later, I'm gonna come back and link thru. I'm always looking for a good blog with good thoughts, and I totally trust your opinion. :)


  4. Thanks for the shout out! I'm excited to look into the other blogs on your list (I'm always looking for more contemporary YA books)
    And it was seriously so fun to meet you this weekend. UT bloggers are the best. :)

  5. Sounds like interesting blogs. I've never heard of any of them. But that gives me a chance to check them out. Thanks for sharing and introducing them.

    Happy BBAW!

    Hope to stay connected.

    New follower.

  6. Oh wow! *blushes*! Personal guru?! I like the sound of that! :)

    Thank you so much! <3

  7. I follow Jillian but these other blogs are new to me

    Hi, I am stopping by to visit your blog via the list of posts for Day one

    Please Stop by My Blog if you Like

  8. @Ellen - I know - the love we are all showing is so awesome! I've been having warm fuzzies all day. And my Google Reader is swelling uncomfortably.

    @Sarah - It is the best! And you are super welcome :)

    @Asheley - Thanks! It makes me feel great that you like my book choices because I love yours. I guess great minds think alike! I hope you find some great new blogs to read - I love all of these ones listed here!

    @kathy - Thanks for mentioning me on your blog! It totally made my day. And I loved the Utah book bloggers get together! It was so fun to meet you. I'm excited for our book club in a couple of weeks!

    @parrishlantern - Hope you enjoy!

    @Lenasledge - welcome! I hope you enjoy the blogs. I think they are pretty awesome!

    @Ashley - You are so welcome! Thanks for being awesome!

    @Mel u - Hope you enjoy the other blogs. :)

  9. And just think, up until about five minutes ago I had never heard of your blog or any of the ones you mentioned here! I saw your comment on the Art of Fielding giveaway, and being a fellow Giants fan I just had to stop by your blog :) Thanks for sharing these blogs with us. I'll definitely check them out.

  10. Aw, thank you so much for the mention, Lorren. I just moved over the weekend and have been out of touch for a few days. So nice to come back to this. Your blog is so warm and inviting. It's always a pleasure to read your thoughts on books and life. Thanks again, Lorren. x

  11. @Emily - YES! GIANTS FANS UNITE! Are you from the Bay area? I'm not, but my husband grew up there and we went to a Giant's game right after we got engaged, so I'm pretty much devoted. Hope you enjoy the other blogs! I will be stopping by yours. :)

    @Jillian - You are so welcome! I hope the move hasn't been too stressful for you. And it's always a pleasure to read about your experiences with reading as well! I love that you are always so upfront with your goals and what you are hoping to get out of your reading.

  12. I'm not from the Bay Area, but I grew up about 3 hours northeast from there. My dad is a huge Giants fan, so, naturally, the rest of the family is, too! I actually live over on the East Coast now, so I never see their games on TV (unless they shock the world by making it to the World Series!). Watching the series made me miss going to their games. I love that park!

  13. Emily - Oh cool! Yeah, we live in Utah so we don't get to see the games very often either except for around this time last year. :) My husband always watches the highlights every night online. And that park is so fun! Now I want garlic fries. :)


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