Sunday Salon: Reading Rules

Sunday, August 28, 2011

This week, I've decided to try some more "structured" reading. Usually I just go down my TBR or my bookshelves and select whatever catches my fancy. I try to keep some variety in my reading choices, not just reading the same types of books all the time, but I don't structure it. Because I have a lot of review copies and challenge books that I'd like to get through in the next few months, I've decided upon a rotation. I will read in 3-book "clusters" - one YA book, one adult-level book on my TBR or bookshelf, and one review copy. Until I get through all my review copies (if that ever actually happens).

What about you? Do you structure your reading, or go for a more spontaneous approach?


  1. I'm completely spontaneous, but I wish I were more focused!

    Here's my Sunday Salon for this week: Friendship Bread---Starter for a Real Book Club in My Town And only three days are left to sign up for the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  2. I really like the idea of the structure because you will get through the "have to" books (which may be wonderful) as well as the "I'm really in the mood for that" books. Have a great reading week

  3. This sounds like a good approach, especially with lots of review books and challenges to get through. I find though that the more I tell myself that I need to read a certain book next, the less I want to read it. I am completely spontaneous but probably could benefit from some structure.

    My Sunday Salon:

  4. I'm fairly spontaneous, but I am trying to get through some books I have had for a while and just not read.

  5. My novella challenge this month has shown me that I'm able to read purposefully and still enjoy it, but also think that it has been a process to get here, and perhaps it will change at different stages in my life. There is some relief at training yourself to be able to handle structured reading...the TBR lists and shelves are no longer as intimidating. :)

  6. Some structure, yes. That's because I've joined the Boekgrrls (dutch) and they've got a reading list with one book each month. And I've joined an IRL bookclub, one book a month as well. And some books to review, for instance from the transworld book group. So I can say bookclubs are structuring my reading :-)

  7. Some structure. As a matter of fact, bookclubs are structuring my reading. I' ve joined the boekggrls (dutch) on internet and we're reading one book a month. Then I've joined an IRL bookcclub, one book a month as well. Some reviews, for instance the Trans World book Club and then I've got quite a list of books I really would like to read. And that list really hasn't got any structure at all.

  8. I always tell myself that I need to structure my reading. I join challenges, and offer challenges to others, I say I'll read two YA books for every adult book, I admonish myself to read from my pile at home...but when it all comes down to it, I read what I feel like reading at the moment. Ha!

    My Head is Full of Books

  9. I have a kind of structured spontaneity, if that makes sense...LOL.

    I plan the books for the week, trying to mix them up, throwing review books, TBR books, and something fun into the pot.

    But some weeks are way off track, full of too much darkness, or too much drama.

    It's a toss-up. I wish I could just grab whatever appeals to me in the moment, but then I'd never get the TBRs and review books read!


  10. I usually read in a similar cycle - a review book, a library book, and one from my shelf. But it's not something that I stick to strictly.

  11. I do a mix of both - I usually make a plan what to read, but throw in some spontaneous reading, too.

  12. I'm sort of spontaneous, but over the past couple of days as I have had Hurricane Irene to deal with, and am still working on clean-up, I may have to push my spontaneous-self aside and work on a couple of reviews for deadlines.

    I feel pretty sure that if I set myself up on a cycle like that, it would be a CERTAIN way for me to not stick to it. I do poorly with lists. Ha! (I really wish I was better about that, but I am learning to embrace that about myself.)


  13. That's an interesting concept! I think I would like something like that to increase my reading variety, but I don't ask for or receive too many review copies so that last one isn't an issue. I hope your new structuring project goes well!

  14. @Bailey - Thanks! So far it has been going great! I need to get through my whole backlog of netgalley titles.


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